Apple Confirms All Devices Exposed By Microchip Flaw Apple Confirms All Devices Exposed By Microchip Flaw
Apple Confirms All Devices Exposed By Microchip Flaw

Apple Confirms All Devices Exposed By Microchip Flaw

Tech giant Apple have confirmed that all iPhones, iPads and Mac computers are vulnerable to two major security flaws which puts stored private data at risk. The bugs known as “Meltdown” and “Spectre” bugs, which were disclosed earlier this week, impact every device...

Haddenham Carpets Fresh New Website

Haddenham Carpets Fresh New Website

Hot on the heels of our first new client website launch in 2018 comes our second site of the year!  We’ve just completed a stunning new website for Haddenham Carpets, the premier Aylesbury-based flooring specialist Company. Haddenham’s brand new website reflects the company’s high quality...

Check Out Prime Satellite Broadbands New Website By Silvertoad!

Check Out Prime Satellite Broadbands New Website By Silvertoad!

The Silvertoad team have launched the first new website of 2018! Luton-based Prime Satellite Communications, offer reliable and affordable high speed internet access wherever you live for home and business. View the Prime Satellite website here. About Prime Sat Com: Prime Satellite Broadband is...

Google’s Research Team Launches Three New Photography Apps!

Google’s Research Team Launches Three New Photography Apps!

Google’s research team has just announced three brand new photography apps. The first one being “Storyboard” which is Android only, second “Selfissimo!” (iOS & Android) and last but not least Scrubbies (iOS).  Google hopes that the new applications will give them a way to test out more...