8 Graphic Design Trends for 2015 8 Graphic Design Trends for 2015

We’re almost half-way across 2015 and yet graphic design trends are still emerging. Are we still seeing a continuation of the flat design trend of 2014, or a turn back to adhoc / freestyle design? Will generative design grow in popularity, or will its importance fade?

Below Silvertoad team predicts 8 graphic design trends that you may well come your way in 2015.


1. Storytelling

Storytelling will be a key feature of all design work this year. As companies attempt to brand themselves as unique, graphic designers will be afforded more time to tell in-depth stores with visuals that audiences can relate to.

2. Video

Video is the leading and most popular medium for telling stories, so we predict that video will continue to remain at the heart of website design throughout 2015. Graphic designers with video editing skills will reap the benefits of this new approach. Big videos could dominate the whole screen on website home pages, encouraging users to watch what a company is all about as opposed to the reading. Faster internet speeds and more advanced devices have finally made this possible. Could this spell the demise of the copywriter until this trend evolves?

3. A Greater Range of Typefaces Online

Let’s face it; typography on the internet is pretty limited compared to those available in print. 2015 ought to see an increase in the diversity of fonts available for web pages.

4. Responsive Typography

Another problem with typography online is in refining the consistency of how it appears across different devices, eg; what works well on a 15-inch laptop screen may not be so easy to decipher on a 6-inch mobile screen. 2015 may well see this problem evaporate.

5. Hand Drawn Illustrations (and Typography)

One big graphic design trend we expect to see coming this year is the use of hand drawn illustrations in a number of high profile advertising and branding campaigns. As companies attempt to invoke an emotional response in their audience, they will employ the soft, appealing nostalgia of the hand drawn illustration as opposed to the blocky, futuristic and possibly intimidating feel of digitally rendered illustration. Hand drawn typography will also make its way out of artists’ personal portfolios and into the commercial space once more.

6. Nouveau Grunge

What is Nouveau Grunge? Well, its essentially making the design look less computerised and more organic and rough around the edges. We feel, in tandem with point 5, is that this will be an extension of the appearance of illustrations in corporate design.


8. ‘Mobile First’ Philosophy Continues

Website design continues to look at the mobile first philosophy signalling the end of tiresome ‘above the fold’ doctrine. As Google begins to penalise websites that don’t have a good mobile philosophy, companies will be forced to adapt. Web pages in 2015 don’t have folds or top bar navigation, instead they scroll infinitely and have hamburger menus.

Keep your eyes peeled to see if we’re ‘on the money!’

We are experts in virtually all Graphic Design fields here at Silvertoad. Call us today to explore your options and learn more about giving your company some dynamism!

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