Seo Trends For 2019 Seo Trends For 2019
Top SEO Trends | Silvertoad, Luton

As online marketers, it’s our job to identify and adapt to the latest new trends. These days, just launching a new website or blog isn’t enough for business. Search Engine Optimization has always been an important part of online presence but things have moved on and become even more fierce and competitive. So to maintain search relevancy and good rankings, you always have to be adapting to the ever-changing environment.

SEO is a marketing strategy that’s become essential in the past decade and will continue to be extremely important for the coming years. We’ve listed the top 5 trends that we foresee for 2019.

TREND #1: Voice Search – People are searching for answers with the use of Siri, Alexa, and similar electronic personal assistance apps and devices. They are conducting searches in the form of questions “Marketing Agency near me?” or “where’s the nearest shop?” With 30% of web browsing expected to go screen-less by 2020, this is a major – and still growing – trend to keep optimising for!

TREND #2: Website security – If you’re a Google Chrome user, have you noticed recently how a little message or a lock icon will pop up in the left hand corner of the URL bar? This is what’s known as an SSL certificate. Google are now enforcing these so if your website does not have one you can say goodbye to your rankings!

TREND #3 Links remain important – Every year you hear that “SEO is dead” or “Linkbuilding is dead”. But in fact, even in 2019 backlinks will continue to play an important role perhaps an even bigger role in regards to the rise in social media.

TREND #4: Performance – Most people do not have enough time to manually monitor and control their websites. If your website is loading slowly, (more than a few seconds) most customers will be pushed away. Google plans to penalise websites that take longer than 5 seconds to load in 2019 so ensure your pages are optimised correctly!

TREND #5: Content – While Google’s algorithms are improving, it still requires text content to connect a query to a relevant web page therefore regularly updating and optimising content is essential. In 2019, this quality jump will continue as the platform learns things by use and implements these into day to day operation.

SEO can be simple or complex (and is generally a mix of both) and we’re here to help you supercharge your online presence and keep ahead of your competitors. Get in touch to see how we can help you in 2019 and beyond with our range of highly effective SEO services.

About us:

Silvertoad, based in Luton, Bedfordshire, provides a wide range of website design and development services, graphic design and printing solutions and a host of other marketing services.

Interested in taking your marketing to the next level? Feel free to contact our friendly customer services team to discuss how we can help you! Call us on 0800 756 6800 or email us at