Colours play a key role in swaying your customer to buy your product, even if you’re unconvinced about its vital factor. The psychology behind how colours make people feel influences their overall opinion on a product, so if you get your colours right on the marketing side of things, then your products will appeal to a wider clientele. More customers, more success!
Red – Good for sales and clearance as it creates a sense of urgency, excitement and raises blood pressure. Merging this colour with bold fonts and large text can enhance these feelings.
Orange/Yellow – Connotes optimism and happiness, however it can also sway impulsive buyers and window shoppers.
Green – Images of health, nature, tranquility, and stimulates harmony in the brain. This is typical used for healthcare and nature-orientated businesses.
Blue – Peace and reliability are the two emotions customers can feel towards this colour, and it is often used by conservative brands who want to promote trust and security.
Purple – Often seen in beauty or anti-aging products, purple is a strong colour that can connote wisdom, respect and creativity.
Black – Usually used to colour fonts on branding materials as it gives off the aura of power, stability and a symbol of intelligence However, too much of this colour can be overwhelming.
Grey – Practicality and solidarity, yet again it can be seen as gloomy and depressing if you use too much of it.
White – Purity and cleanliness can be connoted from hi colour, and many brands opt to use this colour as a base to imply how there are practical, clean and safe.
Keep in mind that you can merge colours to create a mixture of meanings behind them. For example, McDonald’s uses red and yellow to grab the attention of their market and influence them to impulsively buy fast food, whereas Apple uses grey and white to highlight their slick and professional products to their market. What do you want your company to convey?