Top 5 Tips To Improve Your Organic SEO Top 5 Tips To Improve Your Organic SEO

Are you looking to attract more visitors to your website?  Is your website being found when prospective customers search for the type of business or service you provide? Need to be more visible online?

What is SEO? SEO is a marketing process where through using certain techniques you’re able to move your website above other websites on the natural, non-paid for listings across the major Search Engines.

There are many factors that define your search engine ranking on Google and other search engines. Although the algorithm changes almost every day, there are some things you can do to ensure your website has the best possible chance of being found online.

  1. Content – Arguably the number one contributing factor to successful SEO is your content. The best way to improve this is to write good relevant content – it’s as simple as that. If what you’re talking about is read-worthy and relevant, more people will read it, meaning more traffic is driven to your site.
  2. Meta – A title tag is extremely important as it specifies the title of your web page, it’s also the first impression that the search engine will have of your page. Your title tag is also displayed at the top of your web browser and acts as a placeholder, this is useful for people who have several browsers open.
  3. URLs – URLs or ‘Uniform Resource Locators’ are readable text designed to replace IP addresses that computers use to communicate with servers. This is extremely important for the user experience. URLs provide both humans and search engines with an easy understanding of what the page is all about.
  4. Optimised images – Choosing the correct image format is not the only key factor for image optimisation. Providing ALT text is also very useful as it’s used to describe the contents of an image file. This helps to determine the best image to return for a user’s query or search.
  5. Links – Last but not least, links are another powerful factor for SEO ranking. Having internal links is great as it allows people to navigate around the site in a targeted fashion. However the links need to be relevant to the particular page they are linking to. Having internal links helps search engines to crawl and index your site. External links on the other hand act as third party votes, the bigger and trustworthy the website linking to you the more ranking ‘juice’ it provides.

There’s of course a lot more things you can do to improve your website’s online presence and ranking, but hopefully this will help you check the basics are in place and can build on it further from there.

SEO is a complex but highly important process and necessity for all websites, e-commerce or otherwise and the more you do, the more improvements you will see. If you’d like us to help with your SEO requirements, we’d be more than happy to provide a free initial website report detailing how things stand and can help provide any one of our range of SEO/Social Media and Pay-Per-Click (PPC) AdWords advertising.

You can order our services online by clicking here or if you prefer to speak to us, we’re available on 0800 756 6800 or you can email [email protected]  to get things started.


About us:

Silvertoad, based in Luton, Bedfordshire, provides a wide range of website design and development services, graphic design and printing solutions and a host of other marketing services.

Interested in taking your marketing to the next level? Feel free to contact our friendly customer services team to discuss how we can help you! Call us on 0800 756 6800 or email us at [email protected].