Online Marketing - Silvertoad |Web Design & Marketing Luton Online Marketing - Silvertoad |Web Design & Marketing Luton
COVID-19 Battling Project for Diversey Proformula Unilever

COVID-19 Battling Project for Diversey Proformula Unilever

Since the outbreak of coronavirus, we have worked very closely with Diversey Pro Formula who are part of Unilever, helping to promote their COVID-19 specific cleaning products. We’ve had great fun blinging up Domestos disinfectant bottles (Khloe Kardashian Style!) for a London Exhibition....

Which advertising methods should I use for my business?

Which advertising methods should I use for my business?

It can be overwhelming to try and advertise your company when there are so many options to choose from. Do you go for an all-out parade of banners, 30-piece stationary kit with hanging flags out of your office windows? Or do you opt for a discreet strategy with a single flyer in local paper? As...

The Battle of Advertising – Traditional, or Digital?

The Battle of Advertising – Traditional, or Digital?

In the advertising and business world, competition is rife amongst the individuals who strive to sell their products, so the pressure is on from day one. This is only becoming enhanced as our world changes at the hands of the rapid technological boom. Patience is a foreign concept as we expect...

How Facebook’s Latest Changes Will Impact The Future Of Social Media

How Facebook’s Latest Changes Will Impact The Future Of Social Media

Once again, Mark Zuckerberg shocked us all last week when he announced that the social media giant Facebook would be changing its algorithms. So why the change? Facebook is now aiming to promote more personal content rather than news. “As we roll this out,” Zuckerberg wrote, “You’ll see less...

Paid Search vs Paid Social – Which One To Choose?

Paid Search vs Paid Social – Which One To Choose?

So we are guessing you’ve realized, for one reason or another, that it’s time to up your marketing game and invest in paid advertisement. You will be faced with an immediate question, paid search or paid social? Let’s break down both of these channels to help you decide on what is right for you....

Why Your Business Needs A Social Media Strategy

Why Your Business Needs A Social Media Strategy

If you have not yet incorporated a social media strategy into your business then you’re missing out on a great opportunity. In fact about 96% of marketers are actually pursuing digital marketing initiatives. The potential with social media is endless. While a lot of brands are already...

We have now joined Instagram Follow us @Silvertoadltd

We have now joined Instagram Follow us @Silvertoadltd

We know it took a little while but we’re now on Instagram About time, right? Follow us and tag us in your photos using the hashtag #Silvertoad. We want to hear from you soon and often! Keep an eye out for our upcoming posts and offers. @silvertoadltd You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter...

Top 5 Marketing Trends To Watch Out For In 2018

Top 5 Marketing Trends To Watch Out For In 2018

We are living in a fast – paced digital world that is constantly changing the marketing techniques we use. Below we have listed 5 marketing trends that we believe you should keep an eye out for in 2018! 1. Rise in influencer marketing While paid advertisements can be a powerful marketing...

Silvertoad listed for the Top 50 UK Design Blogs 2016

Silvertoad listed for the Top 50 UK Design Blogs 2016

We value the benefits good blogs can bring here at Silvertoad and other than our own blogs, we are always helping clients to progress theirs and make the most out of it all. A blog serves many purposes and to great effect, but we often hear the question ‘is it worth my time and investment’?...

Why Blog?

Why Blog?

Silvertoad team sat around the table and came up with the ultimate list of reasons why they think all of their clients should consider blogging on a regular basis. Each day, about 172,800 blogs are created. That’s two blogs every second. With so many blogs springing up daily, you might be...